We Help An Building Proud Doctor of Tomorrow

and more..

Anurag Shrivastav

Founder & CEO

Anurag Shrivastav

" DOCTOR" the word itself has lots of responsibilities, people who have the condensation of this word in front of their name have a Nobel place in our society. There are numerous scholars who want to come a Doctor and serve our nation and society, but their dreams are crushed because of rejection which they face in several medical competitive examinations and as a result they're left with no option other than dropping their precious dream. We at Shri Medoc make scholars apprehensive about MBBS abroad, pros and cons about it and make the process affordable, easy and transparent for also similar that every pupil get a chance to fulfill there a pupil what I've learned from my academy days till date is numerous people do not achieve excellence because of lack of vision or limited vision to achieve the pretensions and dreams we need to conjure beyond what is possible. Everything that we see moment was a dream before came reality. All I would like to as is being a medical pupil one should live with enthusiasm, direction and a sense of purpose and make your parents and family members proud one day!! As a CEO I would conclude by saying" Substance BRINGS RESPONSIBILITY. WE CAN NOT make Assiduity AND structure WHILE DESTROYING THE MORAL AND SOCIAL FIBER"
Our Vision

Our Vision

To fulfill our sole aim to turn your dreams and aspirations into your truth and reality, our vision at Shri Medoc aims:

  • To reach out to aspiring students providing them with all the necessary guidance and support to achieve their dreams.
  • To create awareness about the education opportunities available with MBBS in Russia and other countries.
  • To nurture and cater to the needs and requirements of the students studying MBBS abroad.
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Our Mission

Our Mission

We at Shri Medoc, constantly strive towards developing, creating, and providing new horizons to empower the budding medical dreams of young Indian students. We aim:

  • To facilitate quality education for all at an affordable cost.
  • To empower the health infrastructure of the country.
  • To create more opportunities for career growth in medicine.
  • To pave the way for facet education recognition by Indian and international bodies.
  • To fulfill the apparent demand for care for humankind.
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Our Principles

Our Principles

Working at Shri Medoc is governed by several innate core values and principles to provide you with the best services.

  • Transparency: To provide a transparent and strategic procedure at every step
  • Equity: To ease the concerns of the students/parents  with equitable interventions
  • Sustenance: To sustain the quality of education and services throughout the duration
  • Commitment: To prioritize the satisfaction of students & keeping the commitments
  • Distinction: To identify, analyze the needs and provide the distinct personalized solutions
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